Research infrastructure
The Biosystems and Precision Techonolgy Department can be found in the newly renovated in the Várkapitány (VK) building.
The Teaching and Research Base also belongs to the department, which can be found in the Science Park in Mosonmagyaróvár Feketeerdei st. Most of the agricultural and research equipment, which are being used and shown during practical lessons can be found here. Behind the building a one hectare field is being used for experiments and machinery operationg sessions.
A drone flight zone has also been marked out behind the Base building. It includes multiple landing pads and a control station.
The department owns an Iseki TLE 3410 tractor, which is being used in various research and developement projects. It has a GPS antenna, Trimbe autosteering and monitor, and also a Raven branded monitor. With this autosteering system and our self developed accelerating automatization mechanism, the tractor can drive on a preset course on its own. The goal is to upgrade this tractor to a fully autonomous vehicle.